Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New location at Pompadour City

I couldn't really say store because this is something Alexis Stapovic whipped up and it's a little crazy, which is why I love it. All my latest stock is there now.

Check it out - Bebe at Pompadour and thanks to Marjorie Market who thought of me when Alexis pulled this out of her brain <3


Tenshi said...

This is amazing. It reminds me of the sushi houses I built a while ago.

ElliottH said...

Hello. I found a google match to Bonita Popinjay on your profile, and I was wondering if you could drop her a PM saying that her old friend BP from '06 was wondering how she has been and that he'd like her to email him at survivoronline2005@yahoo.com if possible.