It's been a very long time since my last release, and finally I am briefly back on the horse. Ammali was initally a last minute commission for GLAM magazine, you may have seen the larger Sapphire version in their last edition worn by the lovely Marni Grut. I played with it a little and came up with this final product, in five gemstone colour selections. It is a loose fitting bracelet and quite chunky, you receive a pair in each colour for 175L, or you can purchase the range for 650L.
This will be the last release for the immediate future, RL and other projects(read: uncontrollable flickr addiction) have left me with less time to just experiment and play around. The store will still be open, though Fashion Victim will be the only remaining by the end of the month.
Meanwhile I'm available for requests, if you're after a certain gemstone let me know and I can customize.
Visit the store at Fashion Victim.
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